To hack is to build, tinker, make technology work for one’s will. A hacker is someone who is good in technology. At Ehackify we help finding the hacker inside the people with a knack in technology

course NEW BROCHURE _APT.pdf-image-000
  • Overview
  • Curricculum
  • What you’ll Learn

The primary goal of Ehackify Cybersecurity Training's Advanced Penetration Testing course is to provide a comprehensive overview of advanced penetration testing methods tailored for graduates, postgraduate students, and working professionals. Our latest version is regularly
updated with the most current technologies available, ensuring learners are equipped with cutting-edge toolsand techniques utilized by hackers and information security professionals. These technologies encompass infrastructure, web applications, Active Directory, wireless networks, Red Teaming operations, mobile platforms, and
more. Students will extensively practice each module after grasping the fundamental concepts. This includes thorough exploration of network infrastructure, system services, and application security (Web, API, Mobile), Active Directory
Penetration Testing, Wireless Security, OSINT, Social Engineering, Phishing, and Physical Security. Through rigorous and challenging labs, students will develop proficiency to conduc comprehensive, high-value penetration tests across a wide spectrum of security domains in real-world scenarios. Upon completion of the course, students will onduct an end-to-end penetration test, identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities within a real-world target organization, applying the knowledge, skills, and tools they have acquired. The final segment of the course involves reviewing the Blue Team's response, reporting, emediation planning, and
retesting. Ehackify Cybersecurity Training is dedicated to providing exceptional support every day, assisting individuals in embarking on a fulfilling professional journey. As a leading
cybersecurity training center in India, we are consistently ranked among the top firms in several industry polls. Our internationally recognized certifications are highly sought
after. Despite our growth, we maintain a welcoming environment conducive to various learning preferences. We are committed to leveraging allavailable resources to help you achieve your career aspirations,tailored to your unique circumstances and schedule.

This course introduces students to the basics of Penetration Testing and builds a foundation in
the cybersecurity field. This includes a comparative analysis of IT and Network architectures,
understanding risk in terms of consequence, security vulnerabilities within Network and
Application environments, and effective cyber risk mitigation strategies for those areas. After
attending this course, you will be able to

  • Describe Network Communication & Protocols.
  • Setting Up your Hacking Lab.
  • Perform Web Application Pentesting.
  • SQL Injection, XSS, Command Injection and Other Techniques.
  • Perform Exploitation to Gain access to Network.
  • Familiar with most of pentesting tools.
  • Able to write. pentesting reports & recommend mitigations.
  • Perform different types of Wireless Attacks.

APT is designed for system and network administrators and security professionals and software developers to focus in-depth on security enhancement in their organizations and projects. As well as for graduates and job seekers, this training program will help to get placed in reputed cybersecurity companies that seek skilled cybersecurity professionals.

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